Xingyi chuan (Xingyi)
Tuesday 7-9 pm at Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre
Most Suitable for: Mature, patient people, but my own son started at ten and is still studying.
Health Benefits: Internal and external health, deep breathing, concentration and leg strength.
One of the earliest forms of Chinese combat (armed and unarmed)
Five fists and twelve animal forms
Weapons forms
Excellent for self defence, health and fitness
Builds enormous leg power
Xingyi chuan is probably the most overtly combative of the internal arts. It was, and is, a martial art (ie pertaining to the military) having been used in battle in the past and is still taught to the Chinese military.
Consisting of five basic fist and hand strikes and twelve animal forms which help to strengthen the body (internally and externally), increase cardio vascular fitness and defend against opponents. Xingyi uses the hands to deflect and redirect attacks and the power of the whole body to deliver attacks. Each of the Xingyi techniques is reputed to massage one of the internal organs during training, through the massaging of the external meridians of the body.
Properly taught Xingyi also includes a study of weapons and, at the very least, a practitioner should study the Jian (narrow sword), Dao (broad sword) and Qiang (spear). These mirror the hand forms and enhance understanding of technique, timing and distancing. After the five fist techniques, the animal forms add variety to the training and also to the possible defences against attack.
There are also several forms linking the various techniques.
I first began studying Xingyi in 1985 in Tokyo with Matsuda Ryuichi, the coach of the famous Waseda wushu team. I then learnt from Master Wang Zhong Dao in Shanghai, who was a student of Chu Gui Ting who followed the Li Tsun Yi lineage. Coming full circle, we are currently under the guidance of Master Chu Yu Cheng, the grandson of Chu Gui Ting.