Taiji chuan (Taichi)
Tuesday 7-9 pm at Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre
Improves health, flexibilty, strength and the ability to defend oneself
Incorporates weapons training
Practice well into old age
Well rounded form of self defence
"Meditation in motion"
At Budokai Australia we teach Yang and Chen style Taiji chuan as well as the modern simplified style. Yang style Taiji chuan is mainly taught in modern times as a system of health and relaxation but, properly taught, is a well rounded system of self defence which includes weapons training. Chen style Taiji chuan is the original and certainly a complete form of self defence, including strikes delivered with all parts of the body as well as locks and throws .
Taiji chuan as a means of self defence teaches avoidance of attacks and use of every part of the body to strike, kick or lock an opponent. The relaxation, flexibility and leg strength gained from a study of taiji, added to the upper body strength which is gained through the weapons practice, provide an exercise program with very useful side benefits - not to mention the fact that you can practice in good health until a ripe old age.
Properly taught Taiji chuan also includes a study of weapons and, at the very least, a practitioner should study the Jian (narrow sword), Dao (broad sword) and Qiang (spear). These complement the hand forms and enhance understanding of technique, timing and distancing.
My own training in Taiji chuan began in Tokyo in 1981 with Nakano Harumi sensei and the simplified forms of 24, 48 and the combined forms taught in modern China. I progressed then to Yang style and when I returned in 1985, commenced the Chen style taught in the Chen village. In 1987, I commenced studying with Master He Bing Chuan in Shanghai in both Chen and Yang styles and, after his passing, with Master Master Chen Jun Yan. The Yang style we practice was inherited from Master Fu Zhong Wen through Chen Jun Yan and other mainland teachers.